“One may walk over the highest mountain one step at a time.”
~ John Wanamaker
I love to climb mountains. I have been hiking since I was a child and have journeyed to the peaks of dozens of different mountains throughout our beautiful United States of America, Ireland and New Zealand. Strolling through the woods and hiking to the peak of a mountain is a great workout that literally takes one step at a time. In addition, to these literal steps, this goal involves steps of preparation of the proper gear and nourishment, as well as planning the route.
As an experienced hiker, I can plan a local hike in a few minutes since I’m fit, know the trails and have all of the needed gear. Plus, my house is always stocked with healthy food and fruit that I can throw in my backpack. However, if you never hiked before, planning a hike will take much longer and involve more steps like strengthening your body and building stamina.

Any goal that you have, whether it’s climbing a mountain, climbing the corporate ladder, starting a new business, getting in shape, enhancing a relationship, breaking a bad habit or overcoming a fear, you will need to take one step at a time to be successful.
“The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex, overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.”
~ Mark Twain
I remember the first time that I decided I wanted to climb the face of a mountain – which is typically considered rock climbing. I was sitting on a bosun chair dangling from a church steeple over 120 feet from the ground. I was 19 and was helping a friend paint the steeple. It was fun and exhilarating. While I hiked hundreds of miles throughout my childhood, swung on Tarzan ropes and cliff dived, I never rock climbed yet nor belayed from a mountain top.
Obviously, I could not just go to the side of a mountain and start climbing, even though that’s what I desired to do. Common sense told me that I needed to prepare. I had some things to learn before I even attempted to climb. So, I took a few classes from a professional who had years of rock climbing experience. Then, I had to buy the proper gear – rock shoes, rope, harness, and a helmet. This gear was very expensive, so I had to find ways to make extra money and saved up so I can afford this equipment.
After I bought the equipment, then I had to learn how to use the equipment properly before climbing the mountain. I had to learn how to knot, belay, use carabiners, toprope and so on.
It took a couple of months before I was able to climb the face of a mountain since I first had the idea because I had to prepare for my safety. Then, it took dozens of climbs to become a stronger and great climber.
In order to be a safe and skilled climber, I had to accomplish small tasks before even starting this sport and more tasks while performing this sport. Each task was a step to a super fun sport that brought me much enjoyment and kept me strong.
Any worthwhile goal that you have will take planning and involve taking action steps on small tasks. This is true for goals of all types.
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” ~ Lao Tzu
What is your primary goal for your life at this moment? What is the first step you need to take? It’s important to take that first step. That step signifies your commitment to your goal. Simply thinking does not. It’s vital to take action – whether it’s a literal step or another literal action.
I love hearing from you. Share your goal with me below in the comment section or tweet me on Twitter.