Want to feel less anxiety

Anxiety can make your life more challenging than necessary. It can interrupt your desires, goals, and happiness.

Anxiety can put a wedge in your relationships. Anxiety can clutter your mind and make it tough to focus.

Do you find it difficult to truly enjoy life when anxiety is present?

What makes you anxious?

How often do you experience anxiety?

Would you want to feel less anxiety?

Join the 30-Day Mindset Makeover for only $99

The next 30-Day Mindset Makeover begins on October 3rd, 2022.

Pay with credit card, debit card, or PayPal:

Want to feel less fear?

Anxiety, fear, and self-doubt can lead to procrastination, isolation, unfulfilled dreams, unnecessary stress, and can have other negative effects on the quality of your life.

Anxiety and fear get in the way of you enjoying your life, intimate relationships and even your career.

In addition, when you experience anxiety for long periods of time, science shows that you increase the risk to experience negative related health outcomes. You are more likely to develop heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and may even develop depression and panic disorder. It’s time to reduce your anxiety and fears.

When do you experience anxiety, fear, or self-doubt?

Do you experience anxiety, fear, or self-doubt that holds you back from things you desire? Many people experience anxiety or fear when speaking in public, meeting new people, dating, trying something new, being in tight spaces, getting lost, doing live videos on social media, asking for help or when standing up for what they believe in. When do you experience anxiety or fear?

What if you can reduce your anxiety, fear, and self-doubting thoughts? What would you accomplish? What would you do? What would you do differently? How would you feel?

Thankfully you can reduce your anxiety, fears and, self-doubts. I did. I was once a very anxious person. I had deep fears. And I doubted myself in so many areas. Thankfully, I was able to change and I want to show you how to experience less anxiety, fear, and self-doubt.

I know that if I could make this life change, then you could too. Join me for the 30 Day Mindset Makeover and learn what has helped me and has helped 1000’s of others transform the way they think and feel.

I developed a very intense fear of closed spaces which is considered Claustrophobia. For example, I was desperately anxious of sitting in a doctor’s exam rooms, small elevators, and small enclosed rooms with lots of people. My anxiety was so high when I was in these situations that paced, my palms were sweaty, my heart raced, and I was unable to think clearly. Fortunately, I overcame this fear when I was 19 years old when I used a specific technique that allowed me to face this fear. You will learn this technique during the 30 Day Mindset Makeover.

Face your fears

You can learn to face your fears.

You can learn to reduce your anxiety.

You can learn to ditch your doubts.

I did. So can you.

Learn to trust yourself more

After I was raped by a police officer, I developed a fear of police officers. Even though I knew some cops were good, because some were friends of mine, I developed a fear of police officers that I did not know.

I use to shake whenever I passed a cop car while driving. I would be hyperfocused on the police car to make sure they were not following me.

If a cop pulled me over, I panicked and began crying.

Fortunately, I overcame that fear after I learned to trust myself again.

I will teach you how to trust yourself more.

What fear do you want to feel less often? What fear would you like to face with courage? I can show you how during the 30 Day Mindset Makeover

You will learn how to:

Reduce Your Anxiety

Stand up to Your Fear

Ditch Your Doubts

Develop Self-trust and Self-confidence.

What will the 30 Day Mindset Makeover Include:

A daily email, to start each day off with tools for overcoming anxiety. Some tools will include tips, strategies, techniques, worksheets and more!

The 30 Day Mindset Makeover Handbook which is a step by step guide that you can use over and over again – even after the makeover is finished.

The 30 Day Mindset Makeover e-Journal to enhance your Mindset Makeover experience. Each day the journal presents a new prompt to understand yourself better, bond deeper with yourself, and open your mind.

Four audio recordings. One audio recording will be sent at the beginning of each week. You will receive: two self-hypnosis recording to help reduce automatic anxiety, one progressive relaxation, and one meditation recording.

Daily tools that you will take with you beyond the 30 Day Mindset Makeover.

Special guests to share their experience and strategies for tackling anxiety and fear.

Unlimited email support. I respond to each person that reaches out once a day.

A free copy of my eBook Ditch Your Doubt to everyone that completes the 30 Day Mindset Makeover.

Join the 30-Day Mindset Makeover for only $99

Any questions?

Do you have any questions before joining the 30 Day Mindset Makeover? Please fill out this form: