Enjoy the Freedom of the Present Moment

“The clock is running. Make the most of today. Time waits for no man. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That’s why it is called the present.”  

This is a quote often tossed around regarding the present.

It essentially says that today is called the present because it is a gift.

embrace the present moment its a giftThe origins of that quote can be a bit mercurial but it is often attributed to Alice Morse Earle’s poem. It has been changed numerous times and is even featured in a cartoon movie.

Regardless of where this quote originated, the essence of it matters.

Each moment that passes you make an internal, often subconscious, decision regarding your life path.

Problems arise when you do not stop and enjoy the moment.

Each moment is an opportunity to be free and simply live.

It is this moment that counts.

It is this moment that matters.

It is this moment that shapes your eventual destiny.

Enjoy yourself and stop worrying about the things that you cannot change.

Do not worry about who likes you or dislikes you.

You are simply you.

Therefore, you have to be the best YOU possible.

That happens when you let go and free yourself.

Tomorrow will come to many.

And for many that post all of their hopes on tomorrow…it may never arrive.

But everyone has this moment.

When you let the baggage go, stop worrying about tomorrow, and simply living in the moment you are giving yourself a chance to breathe fully and deeply with life.

You are enjoying the tactile sensations of the air on your skin.

You are in the moment with the rush of blood through your veins and the deep silence of just being.

For some it is hard to stop their minds from constantly thinking about what is coming next or what was.

They worry too much about the external problems and forget that the greatest gift of all is the present.

You have a choice each moment that passes.

You can embrace that moment and simply enjoy being.

Or you can spend that moment worrying about something that has already passed or may come to pass in the future.

In choosing to worry, you burden yourself and lose that moment.

So take a deep breath, feel your environment and just smile.

You have as many moments as you need.

Enjoy your freedom of being in the moment! It’s a gift, cherish it and make the most of it!

Your turn:
What do you enjoy most about living in the moment? Do you find it hard to live in the moment? What is most challenging for living in the moment? Do you have any tips that can help people enjoy their freedom of living in the moment? Please share below in the comments.

I am passionate about showing you how to transform their thoughts because I know that your thoughts truly do matter for you to have happiness, success, healthy relationships and a vibrant body. When our thoughts are with the present moment, we make the most of our moments which create amazing tomorrows. For information about training with me to transform your mind and emotions one or one or to conduct an empowering seminar for your group or business call me at 267-266-6480 or send me an email at joannecipressi@gmail.com. If you call, make sure you leave a message and I or my personal assistant will be in contact with you shortly.

Joanne Cipressi, CHt, CNLP
Empowerment Coach, Speaker and Author

Exercising on Rainy Days!

Dancing in the rain. There is nothing else like it. It’s one of my favorite things to do. It’s refreshing, liberating and just plain fun. I also feel the same about running in the rain. I get so excited when we have summer rains and I have the chance to run and run in the release of the clouds!

And of course, I think Gene Kelly felt the same when performing the Singing in the Rain scene.  My daughter hip hopped to this song in her recital two years ago, but I don’t think she would really enjoy doing so in the rain!

running in the rainHow about you? Are you the type that is thrilled from running in the rain? If you are not, that’s ok and you are probably like most people. My own boyfriend and I run all the time together, however, he does not enjoy running in the rain. A nice walk with an umbrella sure, but no running!

Most people think of rainy days as lazy days. They think of rainy days as cozying up on the couch and watching movies, reading a book, baking or starting a new project. But, if you love to exercise or are trying to get back into an exercise routine, don’t let the rain hold you back! Actually it seems that science suggests that running in the rain may be good for you, especially in the summer heat.

Here are some tips for you if you are going to try to run in the rain:

  1. Wear a hat. This can help shield the rain from hitting your face. I prefer not wearing a hat, but I know many people don’t enjoy the rain in their face.
  2. Wear older shoes that still have good traction. I always keep an old pair of sneakers around for rainy days because sneakers usually take too long to dry and I want my sneakers for the next day’s workout.
  3. Prevent overheating with proper attire. Many people like to wear a lightweight jacket so the rain does not touch their skin. However, this can cause overheating when you sweat. So be sure to wear something that wicks away the sweat for you. I personally prefer a tank top – I like the rain rinsing me off!
  4. Prevent chaffing. If you have any issues with chaffing, the rain can make this worse as clothes get wet. So, use petroleum jelly or something else to help.
  5. Be seen. Wear something reflective so others can see you clearly. The rain tends to make us blurry to others.
  6. Be aware: Puddles, rocks and other distractions can be dangerous if you are not aware of them. So, watch where you are running.
  7. Protect electronics. Fortunately, these days there are many tools you can buy that protect your phones or other electronic toys when in the rain.

So my advice, is to not let the rain hold you back from exercising. Whether you walk or run, you can still do so in the rain. Of course, there is always the gym. But, I would recommend to try running or waking in the rain. It seems to open up your senses a bit more and is very refreshing.